Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Hurtful Death

*Cloudriver hung his head low. Dreamstar had died. He sighed, and padded down from StarClan. he touched his nose to Dreamstar's.*

Dreamstar... I'm so sorry this had to happen.

*Dreamstar dipped her head.*

It's okay Cloudriver. It was my time.

*Cloudriver shook his head.*

You were meant to die, but it was never your true time. But Markspirit will make a wonderful leader.

*Dreamstar smiled.*

Yes. I can't wait to give him his ninth life.

*Cloudriver stiffened, and lowered his head.*

You will be giving him no lives. Come. We must be quick.

*With that, and no questions asked, Cloudriver padded back up into the stars, with the spirit of Dreamstar followed. Soon enough, they made it to a very large cavern. The Echo Cavern. Dreamstar looked around.*

What is this place?

*Cloudriver took a hesitant step forward, and looked around.*

Stillflame? A-are you here? I brought Dreamstar like you asked.

*He dipped his head, then a white cat stepped out of the shadows. the tom had blazing amber eyes, and the ground crackled as he walked. You could barely see him though. Stillflame looked at Dreamstar.*

Dreamstar. Welcome, but not. You shall not come to StarClan. Your destiny was not yet finished.

*Stillflame padded closer to Dreamstar, who stood ridged. He touched his nose to her shoulder, and she flinched slightly. Then he did the same to her other shoulder. Then, he touched his nose to the back of her neck, the killing spot. She cringed slightly. Then he stepped back.*

This cat, who stands before me, shall breakaway from the living, and the dead. She shall breathe once more. Her body revived, youth restored. She shall breakaway... breakaway from life and death. Escape death. She shall breakaway. Breakaway. Her body is now back, revived, youth restored. Her spirit shall breakaway from the dead. Breakaway... Breakaway...

*Dreamstar looked at Cloudriver, to see him shuddering, he looked at her with sorrow. Then, she started to feel dizzy, and Cloudriver stood beside her, sorrow in his eyes. Stillflame still spoke.*

Breaking away. Breakaway.

*Then he stopped, and Dreamstar heard Cloudriver.*

You shall join me many moons from now. But not now. Good-bye. I'll always be waiting.

*Then, her eyes closed, and her spirit fell to the floor of the Echo Cavern. Cloudriver blinked in sorrow, as Dreamstar's body lightened, then disappeared. He sighed, and looked at Stillflame, who was slowly receding back into the depths of the Echo Cavern. Cloudriver dipped his head, before running to the Sky Boundary.

Cloudriver looked down, and let the image show a hollow log. A young, 10 moon old cat slept peacefully inside. Then, he focused his image on Rippleblaze, who was padding around the forest in grief. Thoughts of death flashed through his mind. He let his mind seep into Rippleblaze's. Then Rippleblaze spoke.*


*Cloudriver laughed to himself, then whispered.*

I am Cloudriver... do not do anything rash. Go to the heart of the territory. Go...

*Then, he watched the tom bolt towards the middle of the territory. He stopped in awe, and padded slowly forward.*


*The cat who was inside the log, looked up instantly.*

W-who are you?

*Cloudriver purred in happiness as Rippleblaze responded.*

I'm Rippleblaze. Who are you?

*Cloudriver smiled.*

I think I've heard that name before. But I can't remember where. My names Dream.

*This she-cat's name took Rippleblaze off guard, and he gasped in happiness.*

Dream... would you like... to join LakeClan?

*That was what Cloudriver had wanted to hear. He was about to leave, but he waited for Dream's response.*

LakeClan? I think I've heard of that too. What is it like?
*Rippleblaze laughed gently.*
It's great. You'll become an apprentice, Dreampaw. You'll be able to hunt... fight, and live for the clan. It's magnificent there, and it would be even better if you joined.

*Dream soon nodded.*

Sure. I think I'd like that, Rippleblaze.Sure. I think I'd like that, Rippleblaze.

*Cloudriver nodded in approval, before stepping back. Welcome to LakeClan Dream....*

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