Leaders, medicine cats, deputies, and ancient StarClan cats go in this section.
Lakestar of LakeClan
He was the first leader of LakeClan. He is quite independent, and defiant. He was also stubborn, and always stood for his word. His mate was Peakriver, and his kits were Copperstorm, Starlinglight, and Aspenfeather. He has no known siblings, and his parents are also unkown. He lost his last life serving his clan faithfully: fighting against rouge cats, with Green-Cough. The Green-Cough is what ultimately took his life, though his wounds helped.
Miststar of LakeClan
Miststar had a few siblings, but her only sibling that lived to be a warrior was Sunriver. She is very passionate, and accepting. She doubts herself very often, and led her clan bravely. She lost her last life from a fox.
Miststar of MistClan
He is the first leader of MistClan. His father and mother died, and are unknown. He is very independent and wise, sometimes silly, was one of the best leaders that MistClan has ever known. He lost his last life in a battle between a rival clan.
Mousestar of MouseClan
Mousestar is the first leader of MouseClan. He was funny and caring. His mate is Windblossom, and other family is unknown. He lost his last life defending his mate from a fox.
Ravenstar of BriarClan
Ravenstar was givin his name Ravenstar, though he never received nine lives. He is mellow, stubborn and aggressive at times.Ravenstar's siblings are Hawkeyes and Briarberry. His parents are Swiftstar and Hawkfeather. His kits are Dark-kit, Dusk-kit, and Ravenkit, and his mate is Dustymist. He died at the Gathering when he started a fight, and was accidently killed by Dreamstar of LakeClan.
Rainingstar of RainingClan
He was the first leader of RainingClan. Rainingstar was a brave, willing cat. Once he set his mind on something, it was hard to pull him away. He was the founder of RainingClan, and it was his willingness that made it successful. His only known family was his mate Morningbrook. He was killed during a battle with a rival Clan during his 9th life
Eaglestar of EagleClan
He was the first leader of EagleClan. Eaglestar is strong, brave and caring. He has no known family. He died when he drowned in the Great Flood.
Sorrelstar of SorrelClan
Sorrelstar is the first leader of SorrelClan. She is kind, caring, and loving. Her only known family are her kits, Shadowsun and Leafriver. She died in a battle against HawkClan.
Softstar of SongClan
She was the third leader of SongClan. She did the best for her clan and was the best leader of SongClan. She is distantly related to Cherrystar, the current leader of SongClan. Her mate is Cloudfire, and other family is unknown. She lost her last life of old age.
Islandstar of IslandClan
Islandstar was the first leader of IslandClan. She is kind, friendly, wise and smart. Her daughter is Whitepoppy. She was killed by Nightstar, the first leader of the evil clan Nightclan.
Darkstar of DuskClan(Later DarkClan)
He was nice, thoughtful and patient. His brother is Flintclaw. He was killed by Deathheart.
Dewstar of CloverClan
She is stern, and isn't always on the fun side. She is almost the oppostie of her brother, Stormwater. Her brothers are Stormwater and Twistingflame. She died of exhaustion and battle wounds.
Petalstar of PetalClan
She was the first leader of PetalClan. She is fierce, stern, protective, but kind and pure-hearted. her family was Sunblossom and Brightdawn. She was killed by Green-Cough.
Grayfire of SorrelClan
He is the first deputy of SorrelClan. He is grumpy and serious. His onl known family are his sister, Fallenmoon, his kits, Windshine and Willowkit, and his mate Frostnight. He drowned trying to save his mate, and their other kit, Willowkit.
Surgingraven of LakeClan
Surgingraven was the deputy of Rainstar. No one remembered him, so everyone assumed Skystar, Skyleap then, was Rainstar's only deputy. Surgingraven is bold, and not afraid to speak his mind, which usually gets him in trouble. He is also caring, and determined. His family is unknown, though some say his sibling is Skystar, though it is not confirmed. Surgingraven died on his way to the MoonCave, to receive his nine lives, when a badger attacked him. After he died, StarClan sent a sign saying Skyleap would be leader, though she was not the true destined cat, she was the only choice at the time.
Springsky of MistClan
She is an ancient medicine cat of MistClan. Her father was a rouge named Twister and her mother died giving birth to her. She is kind a sweet-natured. Hates to see other cats suffer, so she chose the life of a medicine cat. She died of old age.
Lionstreak of SongClan
She was a medicine cat of SongClan. Her parents are unknown, though her siblings are Cherrystar, Wrencall and Fallenlight. She is friendly and loves kits. She was killed by a badger when she was collecting herbs.
Cinderdew of SorrelClan
She is the first medicine cat of SorrelClan. She is kind and serious about her work. Her only known family are her siblings, Morningpaw and Bramblestrike. She died trying to save a kit in a fire.
Brownspots of BriarClan
She was a medicine cat of BriarClan. She is nice, and funny, but can be stern. Her family is unknown. She was killed by Frozenheart.
Graymoon of Ancient Times
Graymoon's birth clan is unkown, and she is very wise. She protects all, and is motherly and defiant. She has no known family, and died of an unknown cause. Though some say she died in a fire.
Turningpaw of Ancient Times
Turningpaw originates from the very beginning of LakeClan. She was the first LakeClan cat to join StarClan, and she told Lakestar to make his group, a clan. She is very courageous and brave. She never doubted the power of hope, and was killed by a cat in the ravage group that then turned into LakeClan. She has no known family.
Rosepaw of Ancient Times
Rosepaw is very witty, adventurous, and hyper. She loves to make cats happy and give good laugh. Her family is unknown. She was killed fighting a fox.
Snowstar of Ancient Times
She is swift, cunning, brave and stong. She died saving a litter of kits from a badger. All of Snowstars kin have long but faded from memory, so she is the only one left
*Turningpaw sits on the soft sand, and licks her paw. Many matters were rising, and she had to speak about it. Though she would wait for the StarClan cats to come.*
*Turningpaw nodded to Miststar. Though she had been in StarClan for a long time, her pelt still shone with light, showing that she lived on in the memories of other cats.*
*Turningpaw nodded to all the StarClan cats gathering. She nodded to Lakestar who wove through the ferns, and padded to the group.*
*Lakestar dipped his head. Next she saw Cloudriver, and Miststar of LakeClan. Turningpaw nodded. Then, Turningpaw saw Graymoon come off the top of the ledge, coming down from the small pathway. Her body was dim, and her old, bright eyes, were fading also. She nodded.*
"Well, she'll turn up. She was always late when she was the current medicine cat of MistClan..." Just as he spoke, a pawful of sand fell on him. "Hey!" He muttered and looked up. "Springsky!" The cream tabby she-cat laughed. "I'm not that late!" She meowed.
Maybe something wrong has happened in their life, they may think this will fix it. We have tried many times to set them back on course, but it doesn't work...
*Graymoon nodded.*
We have to keep trying. We need to come up with new ideas.
"Its a pain for anyone to see. This may seem a very foolish plan, but why not talk to the Dark Forest cats who just joined?? Its risky.... But I think we need too..."
"No... Just to the new cats who just joined. We have to speak with them, try to talk some sense into them. I know its crazy. But it would lower the population of the Dark Forest!'
Ravenstar growled at that, remebering his brother.
"It's not a choice, thier condemed thier for doing bad deeds, sometimes neccesary. I'm sure if they choose, they wouldn't want pain and Suffering." Ravenstar growled.
Miststar lashed his tail. "Ravenstar is right. But, we could talk to the cats who we think might join the Dark Forest...." He suggested, knowing that it was a long shot.
"I never said I didn't want anymore cats to join. The cats join becuase the Current Dark Forest cats target the weaknesses of cats, making them see it thier way." Ravenstar just shrugged.
"I don't know what my brother was thinking." he muttered.
First, we should figure out who is going to confront the Dark forest cats. We can confront them, at Four Streams. The river is sacred, and a truce is held there.
I shall not be going. I will only fade more in the presence of those cats... You can not stay long, or you will fade faster. the newer StarClan cats should go For their memory is still fresh in cats minds.
(I'm gonna make a cat from lakeCan who recently died.... hmm....)
Rainingstar padded into the Falls. He dipped his head to the StarClan cats, and settled down to wash. Morningbrook lay dow beside him and began to share tongues with her mate. The pretty ginger she-cat stretched and gazed around at her home. It had been many moons since she had joined StarClan... and yet she felt that she had been born here. With a purr, she settled down next to Rainingstar, keeping an eye and ear out for interesting cats.
*Turningpaw nodded to Mousestar, though her eyes still burning with fury at Rainingstar and Morningbrook.*
Brackentail is right!
*Surgingraven padded in, and mumbled a greeting.*
Sorry. Had to... deliver something. Though I shall not go. No living cat remembers me. I should be going to the Echo Cavern, yet, I keep fighting it...
Rainingstar growled and turned away from Miststar. He drew himself up to his full hight so that he towered over the other cats, who weren't leaders. "Morningbrook and I will decide what we do and don't do," he growled in a cold, hard voice. He glared at Brackentail and Turningpaw as he said these words.
Brackentail growled "In StarClan we work as a team, and we a descussing a PROBLEM that can hurt ALL cats while you are purring and gazing off in the distance!"
Rainingstar's expression grew grave. "The Dark Forest?" he meowed. "I didn't know." He turned to his mate. "Come, Morningbrook. We must help save StarClan and our Clanmates." Turning back to Brackentail and Turningpaw, he mewed, "Anything we can do to help?"
"If you were listening..." Springsky was a little on edge when talking to the leader. "You would have already known that we have made a plan, we are going to talk to the Dark Forest cats." She sighed. "I wish to stay here, I have no interest in going..." She had to desiring to see the hollow, sick cats.....
"I will go" Miststar announced, standing up and shaking his pelt.
Are you still remembered greatly? If you are not remembered, you shall not go.
*Turningpaw heard Surgingraven sigh, and she looked at him with sorrow.*
Don't worry Surgingraven. We'll find a way to get your clan to remember you. You have not been in StarClan long enough yet to go to the Echo Cavern.
*Turningpaw looked at Surgingraven. His pelt was dull, almost invisible. Same with his eyes. When he had died, it seemed like so had his memory in other cat's. Turningpaw then looked at herself. Still shining brightly, but not as brightly as some of the newer StarClan members. She had been in StarClan for longer then she could remember. Surgingaven sighed again, not believing what Turningpaw had said.*
Yes, and no. Being in the presence of the Dark Forest cats will fade us slowly. But if the Dark Forest cats keep the truce, then hopefully there will be no fight.
Rainingstar and Morningbrook straightened themselves up. "We are ready now," the ginger she-cat mewed. Rainingstar nodded. "We will do whatever we can to help."
I don't know. But we have to try. Surgingraven will fade if we don't. We have to tell other cats about him. it may not, work, but we'll start with Dreamstar, and maybe other leaders.
*Turningpaw nodded to Rainingstar and Morningbrook*
echoleaf entred right before they left" wait if they can make us fade then shouldn't they fade in our presence too?and if so we should speak to the oldest of the darkest forest cats?the least long lived in starclan cats i mean that way wouldn't they fade faster then the new starclan members?"
"there must be something we can do that they can't that would be to our advantage!she said exasperated.she paded away tawards starclan's forest."goodluck!"she said before leaving.
Mousestar padded in his pelt dull and nearly transparent, stars glittered only faintly "I belive it is my time to join to Echo cavern, I am almost competly faded, it is time for me to join them, nobody remembers me,"
*Lakestar, who had stayed behind, looked at Mousestar sadly.*
All of StarClan shall be sad for you departing to the Echo Cavern. But I understand. As soon as the patrol for the dark Forest comes back, we shall go.
*Lakestar looked down, then saw Graymoon pad into the clearing. She nodded at lakestar and Mousestar. lakestar smiled at the she-cat who had been the first to give him the prophecy about Dreamstar.*
Greetings graymoon.
*Graymoon dipped her head, and licked her pelt, which looked almost the same as Mousestar's. She looked around.*
I'll miss StarClan. the Echo cavern isn't the same. But I've been here for so many seasons... So many I can't even remember my own life...
Warriors, apprentices, queens, kits, and elders go in this section.
Cloudriver of LakeClan
Cloudriver is very brave and loving. He cared for those close to his heart, and showed great hospitality. His mate was Dreamriver/Dreamstar, and his brother is Moonstorm, his sisters are Smokeflower and Rainblossom. His mother is Spottednight, and his father is Wolf-feather. He was killed by a LakeClan traitor, Hawkclaw, who is in the Dark Forest. He has no known kits.
Fleckwater of LakeClan
Fleckwater is very brave and bold. He is not afraid to stand up for what he believes in, and to fight. His siblings are Coastpebble and Prairefall. His parents are unknown. He was killed by a rouge, protecting his siblings.
Morningbrook of RainingClan
Morningbrook was a very pretty, respected she-cat, and she didn't seem to have any faults. However, she had eyes for one tom only, and that was Rainingstar. Her only known family was Rainingstar. She was killed by a rouge that strayed into the territory
Petalbrook of LakeClan
Petalbrook died giving birth to her kit, Silverkit. She is a queen, and is quiet and caring.
Moonpetal of LakeClan
Moonpetal was killed by a BlackClan cat. Her family is Rosepaw, Rainwind, Minnowkit, and Skypaw. She was a warrior, and she is bossy, careless and rude.
Rainwind of LakeClan
Rainwind died at the claws of a BlackClan warrior. He was a warrior, and very kind. His family is Rosepaw, Moonpetal, Minnowkit, and Skypaw.
Icestream of MistClan
Icestream is sensetive and sweet. She lacks self confidence, hates to be alone. She likes to hang out with the kits and always wanted to have a mate. Her parents are unknown. She died from a traitor of MistClan, Hawkfire at the Great Willow Tree.
Brackentail of MouseClan
Brackentail is kind an served his clan well. His kits are Honeyice, Ivoryleaf, Lionkit, Flowerkit, Beekit and Cloudkit. Brackentail's mate is Brindlestar. His parents are unknown. He was killed by a traitor in MouseClan, Gorgeclaw.
Gazedawn of LakeClan
Gazedawn is fierce and loyal. She is always willing to go into battle for her clan. Her brother is Wasp-paw and her mother is Tawnyheart. Died from a fatal wound from a war with Blackclan.
Tawnyheart of LakeClan
She was a Gentle and caring cat. She always walks next to Gazestripe, her closest friend. Her kits are Wasp-paw and Gazedawn. A BlackClan cat killed her on the border.
Whitepoppy of IslandClan
She is kind, but sometimes a little moody, and very intelligant. Her mother is Islandstar, and her daughters are Shadowstar and Shadestar. Whitepoppy died of old age.
Runningshadow of LakeClan
She is fast and agressive. Her family is unknown, and she was killed in a battle against CloverClan.
Echoleaf of CloverClan
She is kind, gentle, and sweet. She's a great fighter, but she hates using her skills for fighting. She would rather talk things over then fight. Her family is Rainfall, Brightstreak, Honeyfern, Sweetkit, Scorchkit, Berrykit and Bluekit. She died protecting her kits rom a dog. She was a queen at the time.
Mapleberry of LakeClan
Mapleberry is kind, but determined and loyal. Her siblings are Sparrowstreak, Birchstorm and Finchpeak. She was killed during the Wolf Attack at the [July] Gathering.
Skypaw of LakeClan
She died as an apprentice at the claws of a BlackClan cat. Her family is Rosepaw, Rainwind, Moonpetal, aind Mnnowkit. She likes to have fun.
Honeypaw of LakeClan
Her family is unknown except for her brother, Leopardpaw. She is kind and playful. She died at the BlackClan border, trying to avenge her brother's death.
Leopardpaw of LakeClan
He likes to tease and sometimes doens't think of other's feelings, but he can be nice at times. His only known family is his sister, Honeypaw. He died when a BlackClan cat killed him on the border when he was defending Honeypaw.
Sorrelpaw of LakeClan
She is kind and sweet. Her only known family is Strongspirit. She was killed in a battle with CloverClan.
Gazepaw of CloverClan
Gazepaw is fierce, but protective. Her brother ia Rowanfoot, and she was killed by Rippleblaze(of LakeClan) in a battle with LakeClan and CloverClan.
Dovepaw of EagleClan
She is very kind, and defiant. Her mother is Leopardheart, and her sister is Cloverflame. When she was apprenticed, she slipped into a brook, and hit her head on a stone, dying.
Rushpaw of LakeClan
She cares about her family deeply, and has a fiery temper. Her mother is Frostysky, and her father is Falcon. Her siblings are Wrenpaw, Berrypaw,and Owlpaw. She was killed in a battle with BlackClan.
Flakepaw of SongClan
Flakepaw is shy, but quite wise. Her mother is Wrencall, and her father is Bird. Her siblings are Jaygaze and Bluepaw. She was killed by BoulderClan on the border.
Minnowkit of LakeClan
She was killed by a BlackClan cat, and her family is Rosepaw, Rainwind, Moonpetal, and Skypaw. She is shy.
Heatkit of LakeClan
His personality is not known, but he stuck close to his sister Frozenkit. He was too young to develop a big personality. His siblings are Silentkit and Frozenkit, his arents are Gazestripe and Coal. He died from sickness.
Stormedkit of PineClan
Stormedkit is serious, heroic, and dramatic. He is also a great story-teller. His mother is Nightholly, and his brother is Eclipsekit. He died soon after birth.
Nightkit of LakeClan
Nightkit is funny, cute and couragous. Her father is Shadowfrost, her mother is Morningmist, and her siblings are Wildspirit, Fallenstrike, and Silentstalker. She died during the Earth-Shake, when a tree fell,a nd crushed her.
Breezekit of CloverClan
Breezekit is the smallest of his brother and sisters, but swift. His mother is Miststar, his father is Otterwhisker, and his siblings are Molekit, Wavekit, and Lilykit. He died because he was born too weak.
Nightkit of StormClan
She is kind, sweet, shy, and caring. Her mother is Shadowfur, and her father is Stripedclaw. Her siblings are Streamsong and Dovefeather. She died at birth.
*Turningpaw sits on the soft sand, and licks her paw. Many matters were rising, and she had to speak about it. Though she would wait for the StarClan cats to come.*
Miststar 'floated' down to the sandy turf and sits down next to Turningpaw. "Good evening, Turningpaw" He greeted the apprentice.
*Turningpaw nodded to Miststar. Though she had been in StarClan for a long time, her pelt still shone with light, showing that she lived on in the memories of other cats.*
Welcome Miststar.
Brackentail padded in "Greetings Turningpaw, Miststar,"
Mousestar padded in sitting next to Brackentail. "Greetings!" he smiled
(lol that reminded me in I think Fading Echoes that cats disappear in StarClan!! Freaky!! sorry lol)
Rosepaw pounced down after Miststar greeting the two cats and soon Icestream joined. "Anyone know where Icestream is?" Miststar wondered out loud.
Mousestar shook his head "No sorry Miststar"
(huh? Icestream just joined? What!? lol)
*Turningpaw nodded to all the StarClan cats gathering. She nodded to Lakestar who wove through the ferns, and padded to the group.*
*Lakestar dipped his head. Next she saw Cloudriver, and Miststar of LakeClan. Turningpaw nodded. Then, Turningpaw saw Graymoon come off the top of the ledge, coming down from the small pathway. Her body was dim, and her old, bright eyes, were fading also. She nodded.*
:~~Turningpaw, Cloudriver, lakestar, Miststar, Graymoon:
"Well, she'll turn up. She was always late when she was the current medicine cat of MistClan..." Just as he spoke, a pawful of sand fell on him. "Hey!" He muttered and looked up. "Springsky!" The cream tabby she-cat laughed.
"I'm not that late!" She meowed.
~Springsky, Miststar
(i meant with the group, she gathered with them)
Brackentail sat up, his starry golden pelt shimmering "Why did you call this meeting Turningpaw?"
"Yes.... We were wondering too.... Has something gone wrong with the 73 clans?" (lol, instead of four lol)
(Ohh! You said Anyone now where ICESTREAM was, and she had just joined the group. But you meant SPRINGSKY. ;) )
*Turningpaw nodded, and saw a few more cats come.*
Might as well get this started...
*Turningpaw spoke up.*
We are here, because forces are rising. The Dark Forest is manipulating more, and more cats!
Brackentail growled. "Exactly! How are we to stop this though?"
Miststar shook his head. "Yes... This has been happening lately, why have these cats chosen this path??" He said worryingly.
"There is no way to stop this! We are powerless to make other cats decisions."
*Turningpaw sighed.*
Maybe something wrong has happened in their life, they may think this will fix it. We have tried many times to set them back on course, but it doesn't work...
*Graymoon nodded.*
We have to keep trying. We need to come up with new ideas.
Leopardpaw hurried in with Honeypaw t his heels "I aplogize we were held up" Leopardpaw mewed as he sat down
MOusestar clawed the ground "They are condemming themselves to misery! It pains me to see this!"
Rosepaw shook her head. "But we have tried many, many times... But we still have to have hope, any ideas??"
(can you delete Icestream?? Shes boring to play...already lol sorry!! :P)
Brackentail looked around "Some do not know of their fate, they think the cats are helping them... Maybe we could offer something better"
"Its a pain for anyone to see. This may seem a very foolish plan, but why not talk to the Dark Forest cats who just joined?? Its risky.... But I think we need too..."
(Icestream was siblings with the current leader, Miststar. I'm sorry, I know its confusing!!)
(I know, I put that. and you don't have to play her. doesn't matter. I don't play some of my cats that much. lol)
*Turningpaw sighed, for her age, she was very wise.*
We may have to do that if we want to help. But how would we?
Leopardpaw bit his lip "Talking to Dark Forest cats! Thats crazy! but we might have to..."
"No... Just to the new cats who just joined. We have to speak with them, try to talk some sense into them. I know its crazy. But it would lower the population of the Dark Forest!'
A black and white tom sat in the group, his eyes blazing.
"Greetings" he said, his voice powerful with emotion.
Mousestar nodded to Ravenstar "Greetings Ravenstar, we are descussing the problem with the Dark Forest..."
Springsky dipped her head. "Welcome, Ravenstar."
Ravenstar growled at that, remebering his brother.
"It's not a choice, thier condemed thier for doing bad deeds, sometimes neccesary. I'm sure if they choose, they wouldn't want pain and Suffering." Ravenstar growled.
*Turningpaw's eyes blazed with anger.*
Do you want more cats to join? We are trying to stop the Dark Forest from recruiting any more cats, and stop an army.
Brackentail nodded then gazed off dreamily remebering his death
Leopardpaw growled "It's their desicion to join! They want to bring us down!"
Miststar lashed his tail. "Ravenstar is right. But, we could talk to the cats who we think might join the Dark Forest...." He suggested, knowing that it was a long shot.
"I know." was all he simply said.
"I never said I didn't want anymore cats to join. The cats join becuase the Current Dark Forest cats target the weaknesses of cats, making them see it thier way." Ravenstar just shrugged.
"I don't know what my brother was thinking." he muttered.
*Turningpaw narrowed her eyes.*
We need to try.
whoops sorry meant Ravenstar!
"So.... Is it a yes?"
Gazedawn, who was on the other side from Ravenstar, spoke up.
"Maybe we should send in a spy to the Dark Forest.. and then maybe they could convince the Darkforest cats to stop!" She suggested.
Brackentail nodded "We need to try,"
Skypaw ran in, with all her siblings following. She sat down, and Minnowkit, Moonpetal, and Rainwind sat down next to her. Skypaw smiled.
"Sorry, we were watching our sister." Minnowkit squeaked. She tumbled over.
-Skypaw, Minnowkit, Rainwind, Moonpetal
"No... Too risky. They would know, for they only care about the ones they watch from above"
*Turningpaw nodded.*
We smell different, and our fur has stars. Their fur is hollow, and dark.
Honeypaw growled "Miststar it's worth a shot!"
Brackentail purred at Minnowkit
I wonder how my kits are doing
Gazedawn nodded, convinced.
Mousestar put his tail on Honeypaw's shoulder "No, they would know..."
*Graymoon sighed.*
First, we should figure out who is going to confront the Dark forest cats. We can confront them, at Four Streams. The river is sacred, and a truce is held there.
Ravenstar sat there, his eyes distant.
So that's all Hawkeyes is.. a dul, hollow shadow..
Mousestar nodded "Good idea Graymoon"
"I agree with Graymoon. Who will go to tell the Dark Forest Cats, though?"
Rainwind nodded. He wrapped his tail around his little sister.
Skypaw nodded. "I can go!" Skypaw volunteered.
*/Rainwind, Minnowkit, Skypaw\*
"Turningpaw, Graymoon, who do you think should go?" Miststar asked.
(g2g but I would like to be in the patrol lol :P)
*Graymoon sighed.*
I shall not be going. I will only fade more in the presence of those cats... You can not stay long, or you will fade faster. the newer StarClan cats should go For their memory is still fresh in cats minds.
(I'm gonna make a cat from lakeCan who recently died.... hmm....)
Heatkit blinked, sitting close to Tawnyheart, his mother's friend.
I'd hate to fade away...
*Graymoon sighed.*
Leopardpaw looked around "Did I die recently??"
Brackentail stood striaght "I would like to go please,"
*Turningpaw nodded.*
We shall have a larger group go. The Dark Forest may disobey rules, and attack at the Four Streams.
*She saw Cloudriver leave, because he knew he couldn't go.*
Rainingstar padded into the Falls. He dipped his head to the StarClan cats, and settled down to wash. Morningbrook lay dow beside him and began to share tongues with her mate. The pretty ginger she-cat stretched and gazed around at her home. It had been many moons since she had joined StarClan... and yet she felt that she had been born here. With a purr, she settled down next to Rainingstar, keeping an eye and ear out for interesting cats.
(can you delete the part from Miststars profile that says that Icestream is his sister?? Thanks)
"I would like to go" Even though that Miststar have been here for a long time, his fur glimmered more than the shining moon.
*Turningpaw stared at Rainingstar and Morningbrook in disbelief.*
What are you doing!?
*Turningpaw snapped at them. She usually doesn't get angry often, but right now she was worried.*
Rainingstar pricked his ears. He turned and padded over to Miststar. "You OK?" he asked.
Brackentail growled "Foolish cats! We are trying to work out a problem, not have quality time with our mates!"
Mousestar nodded to the ats "I died long ago, this meeting in not for me any longer, I wish you luck..."
*Mousestar pads out of the sandy falls*
*Turningpaw nodded to Mousestar, though her eyes still burning with fury at Rainingstar and Morningbrook.*
Brackentail is right!
*Surgingraven padded in, and mumbled a greeting.*
Sorry. Had to... deliver something. Though I shall not go. No living cat remembers me. I should be going to the Echo Cavern, yet, I keep fighting it...
Rainingstar growled and turned away from Miststar. He drew himself up to his full hight so that he towered over the other cats, who weren't leaders. "Morningbrook and I will decide what we do and don't do," he growled in a cold, hard voice. He glared at Brackentail and Turningpaw as he said these words.
Brackentail growled "In StarClan we work as a team, and we a descussing a PROBLEM that can hurt ALL cats while you are purring and gazing off in the distance!"
*Turningpaw nodded, though she was smaller then Rainingstar, her stance showed more power.*
We discuss this together, whether or not you go.
*Lakestar snarled at Rainingstar.*
Do you have fleas in your pelt!? This concerns you too! The Dark Forest is rising, and you don't care! Some of your clan members could be next!
*Miststar of LakeClan stepped forward.*
Now, there is no need to fight. But this does concern us all...
Brackentail took a deep breath "Okay, I'm good for now.."
*Turningpaw's eyes shot with fury, which soon subsided.*
Whatever. All I know, is that we need to stop this.
Brackentail nods
This is getting out of hand. I fear for those i love, and those I do not know of. They could be wasting their lived, condemming themselves now...
*Turningpaw nodded and sighed.*
Any volunteers?
Skypaw nodded. "Can I go?" Skypaw asked.
Rainingstar's expression grew grave. "The Dark Forest?" he meowed. "I didn't know." He turned to his mate. "Come, Morningbrook. We must help save StarClan and our Clanmates." Turning back to Brackentail and Turningpaw, he mewed, "Anything we can do to help?"
"If you were listening..." Springsky was a little on edge when talking to the leader. "You would have already known that we have made a plan, we are going to talk to the Dark Forest cats." She sighed. "I wish to stay here, I have no interest in going..." She had to desiring to see the hollow, sick cats.....
"I will go" Miststar announced, standing up and shaking his pelt.
I shall go!
Rainingstar nodded. "So I heard," he mewed. "Morningbrook and I shall go."
*Turningpaw looked at the volunteers.*
Are you still remembered greatly? If you are not remembered, you shall not go.
*Turningpaw heard Surgingraven sigh, and she looked at him with sorrow.*
Don't worry Surgingraven. We'll find a way to get your clan to remember you. You have not been in StarClan long enough yet to go to the Echo Cavern.
*Turningpaw looked at Surgingraven. His pelt was dull, almost invisible. Same with his eyes. When he had died, it seemed like so had his memory in other cat's. Turningpaw then looked at herself. Still shining brightly, but not as brightly as some of the newer StarClan members. She had been in StarClan for longer then she could remember. Surgingaven sighed again, not believing what Turningpaw had said.*
I'll never be remembered.
*Turningpaw looked down. Was he right?
:~~Turningpaw, Surgingraven:
Brackentail nodded "I am remembered,"
"I am remembered" Miststar said, sorrow filling his voice for Surgingraven.
Skypaw smiled. "I am remembered." Skypaw meowed. She sighed.
Ravenstar nodded.
"So am I." he said.
*Turningpaw nodded.*
Anyone else? I shall go, but I shall stay a distance away.
Gazedawn padded up to Turningpaw.
"I'll go too" she said to Turningpaw.
*Turningpaw nodded.*
So that's... Miststar of MistClam, Rainingstar, Morningbrook, Brackentail, Gazedawn, Ravenstar, Skypaw, and sort of me. That's 7 cats.
*Miststar of lakeClan stepped forward.*
I shall also go. I am greatly remembered.
*Turningpaw nodded.*
8, sort of 9 cats. I do believe that is enough.
Ravenstar nodded.
"Ok" he sait, sitting up.
"When shall we go?" he asked.
*Turningpaw shrugged.*
When everyone is ready.
"Oh, ok" Ravenstar said, shrugging.
Liontooth looked at all the cats, still mad.
I hope they don't go easy on hawkeyes.. Liontooth though, remebering how Hawkeyes killed him, jst ecuase he was guarding th nursery.
>Liontooth of Briarclan<
*Turningpaw licked her paw, and brought it over her face.*
Heatkit padded up to Turningpaw.
"Will anyone get hurt?" he asked her anxiously.
*Turningpaw sighed.*
Yes, and no. Being in the presence of the Dark Forest cats will fade us slowly. But if the Dark Forest cats keep the truce, then hopefully there will be no fight.
Heatkit nodded.
"Good" he said simply.
*Turningpaw smiled at the young kit.*
Heatkit sighed and looked at the ground.
"Can you even un-fade?" Heatkit asked.
Rainingstar and Morningbrook straightened themselves up. "We are ready now," the ginger she-cat mewed.
Rainingstar nodded. "We will do whatever we can to help."
*Turningpaw shrugged.*
I don't know. But we have to try. Surgingraven will fade if we don't. We have to tell other cats about him. it may not, work, but we'll start with Dreamstar, and maybe other leaders.
*Turningpaw nodded to Rainingstar and Morningbrook*
Skypaw licked her paw. She got up. "I am ready." Skypaw meowed.
Sorrelstar narrowed her eyes, looking around the clearing.
Ravenstar got up.
"I'm also ready' he said.
"Me too" Gazedawn said.
Miststar got up. "I'm ready, are we all good?"
*Turningpaw nodded.*
Okay, let's go.
*She turned around and started to pad towards Four Streams.*
echoleaf entred right before they left" wait if they can make us fade then shouldn't they fade in our presence too?and if so we should speak to the oldest of the darkest forest cats?the least long lived in starclan cats i mean that way wouldn't they fade faster then the new starclan members?"
*Turningpaw shook her head.*
They make us fade, cause they have bad spirits. We have good spirits. So we can't make them fade. We actually make them stay longer.
"there must be something we can do that they can't that would be to our advantage!she said exasperated.she paded away tawards starclan's forest."goodluck!"she said before leaving.
*Turningpaw sighed.*
We can not do anything bad to them. Or we would be disobeying the spirit of StarClan. They, though, can hurt us greatly. Thank-you Echoleaf.
*Turningpaw dipped her head.*
Mousestar padded in his pelt dull and nearly transparent, stars glittered only faintly "I belive it is my time to join to Echo cavern, I am almost competly faded, it is time for me to join them, nobody remembers me,"
*Lakestar, who had stayed behind, looked at Mousestar sadly.*
All of StarClan shall be sad for you departing to the Echo Cavern. But I understand. As soon as the patrol for the dark Forest comes back, we shall go.
Mousestar nodded "Thank-you," he sighed looking at his faded pelt
*Lakestar looked down, then saw Graymoon pad into the clearing. She nodded at lakestar and Mousestar. lakestar smiled at the she-cat who had been the first to give him the prophecy about Dreamstar.*
Greetings graymoon.
*Graymoon dipped her head, and licked her pelt, which looked almost the same as Mousestar's. She looked around.*
I'll miss StarClan. the Echo cavern isn't the same. But I've been here for so many seasons... So many I can't even remember my own life...
Mousestar nodded sighing "StarClan is like my home now, I-i can barely remember... I try but," he stopped his face pained
*graymoon nodded in understanding.*
But nothing can last.
Mousestar sighed and nodded his eyes dropping to the ground
*Lakestar looked around awkwardly.*
Mousestar laughed rolling his eyes, he looked at his pelt, again "I guess I should probably get there soon, before I fade completly," he laughed
*Lakestar smiled.*
You won't.
First we have to make sure Stillflame is there...
*Lakestar slightly shuddered at the thought of the very old tom. That tom seemed to know too much.*
Mousestar smiled "Alrigt,"
*graymoon nodded.*
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